July 25, 2018

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth.”

You will be embarking on a journey of YOUR history...something many take for granted. Our national heritage is something we all should be proud of. Studying it not only reminds us of the great blessings and privileges we inherited from our forefathers, but also of mistakes made along the way (no...our heritage is not perfect...but admirable, nevertheless). We learn not only of our greatest achievements, but also from our errors in action and judgement.

America, to your teacher, is a great gift from God - but one we can lose if we do not cherish her and protect her. Your freedoms were hard fought for by great men and women from our past. Let's learn about them and from them, to make sure we do our part to keep this nation thriving and keep this land free!

For the first semester, you will be reading and analyzing
Common Sense by Thomas Paine

This small pamphlet was one of the firebrands that helped our Founding Fathers in their decision to break away from England.

Every American should read this revolutionary booklet at least once in their life. You get to in this class, you lucky folks, you!


Questions due every MONDAY at the beginning of class.
The following dates are when the reading assignments are due.
I RECOMMEND - read the entire chapter (there are four) then do the questions each week, reviewing along the way. We will discuss in class...



EVERY American citizen should own their own copy of the CONSTITUTION.
AND EVERY student in my class MUST have one, yes even…..YOU!!!

So your first assignment is simple. Order at least one. I recommend you order two (a printed copy and a digital copy).

[1] ORDER a CHEAP PRINTED COPY. It costs only $1 (postage is free)
[and please let me know if you do not have $1 - do not let that stop you from ordering your own copy]
for your own copy.

OR you can also purchase a cheap U.S. Constitution at most department stores (I know Fred Myers and ShopKO have copies). OR you may download a free copy online and print one out, if you prefer.

[2] ORDER a FREE DIGITAL COPY. You will need to determine what technology you are using then download what works best on your machine. Here are a few options:

If any of these do not work on your particular technology, Google "Free Constitution" and add your technology to the search field.<50iv>

If you do NOT have a smart phone, e-reader, tablet or other technology device, you are not required to download a free digital copy....it's just a good idea to have a digital copy handy...

YES! It's back, by popular demand....or your teacher's desire....NATIONAL HISTORY DAY!!!!
[insert applause, accolades and screams of delight here]

More details will follow, but this year's theme is TRIUMPH AND TRAGEDY in history.

You will be expected to turn in BRAINSTORMING ideas THURSDAY, September 6th at the end of class - with three ideas you have done preliminary research on (to be explained in class).

By THURSDAY you should also have a preliminary OUTLINE and THESiS...we're spreading our wings much earlier this year...

For more information from the NHD website, click here.
For the most copy of the RULEBOOK for the competition, click here.

CLASS CODE: a0xwsqb

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